Who are the therapists at Marvin?

All therapists at Marvin are specifically trained to work with healthcare professionals through a variety of behavioral, emotional, relational, and mental health concerns. Therapists at Marvin have worked with hundreds of healthcare professionals, and most have 10+ years of experience specializing in this line of work.

Whether you’re a physician, nurse, administrator, staff, or any other type of employee, your therapist will have deep expertise and understanding of your professional stressors.

Marvin therapists range in their accreditation and experience type, which helps to ensure you have targeted care for whatever you may need. Therapists include…

  • Licensed psychiatrists (MDs)
  • Psychologists (PhD or PsyDs)
  • Licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs)
  • Licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs)
  • Licensed professional counselors (LPCs)

Still have questions? You can email us at user-success@meetmarvin.com, where we’d be happy to assist you!

If you’d like to learn more about our therapists, please contact our team by sending a message to user-success@meetmarvin.com. Thank you 💜

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